måndag 31 maj 2010
söndag 30 maj 2010
I have two great passions in live, Human rights and acting. I love to act, I love to pretend to be someone I'm not and express the feelings those people have. The best parts to play are parts that are so far away from the person I’m. But I would never go after that passion, for a lot of reasons… the main reason is the uncertainty. Because I don’t want to spend my life chasing after a dream, I want to spend my life living a dream. So I’m instead going after my other passion, working for Human rights in the world. My hope is to work for the UN, but it’s a hard place to get in to. I will figure life out year by year, and right now I’m happy… and really that’s all that matters.
Tom Dice - Me and my guitar

People always say
Tom, this has gone too far
But I'm not afraid to chase my dreams
Just me and my guitar
And no one may ever know
The feelings inside my mind'
Cause all of the lines I ever write
Are running out of time
So maybe I should get a nine to five
But I don't want to let it go, there's so much more to life
Tell me that I've got it wrong
Tell me everything will be okay
Before I fall
Tell me they'll play my songs
Tell me they'll sing the words I say
When darkness falls
All of the stars will see
Just me and my guitar
I'm sure that I'll find my way'
Cause I'm not afraid to try
Even a world of love and hope can't guarantee that price
So maybe I should get a nine to five
But I don't want to let it go, there's so much more to life
Tell me that I've got it wrong
Tell me everything will be okay
Before I fall
Tell me they'll play my songs
Tell me they'll sing the words I say
When darkness falls
All of the stars will see
Just me and my guitar
Me and my guitar...
lördag 29 maj 2010
fredag 28 maj 2010
Reading Human Rights is not always easy, I have lost faith in humankind while talking about Rwanda, war, death, UN that failed… And I follow a site called Human Right Watch that update news everyday about all the horrible problems in the world. And people care more about Eurovision then people getting tortured, raped and killed… I just don’t get it.
And I’m not saying that you have to think about it everyday… but some days I just get more mad and more upset over the lack of caring.
One world, one world, one world.
tisdag 25 maj 2010
I will.
söndag 23 maj 2010
fredag 21 maj 2010
"Hope. Sometimes that's all you have when you have nothing. Have that you'll have everything."
I have never been alone, never. Even when I wanted to be alone, and the years I spent alone I never really was alone. Because I always had my family, and I always had friends that would be there for me if I wanted them to be. But for a few years I for some reason “wanted” to be alone. But I still remember the feeling and it’s a really bad feeling. But I always knew that people would be upset if I died and people would search for me if I went missing.
No one wants to be alone, and its breaks my heart that some people are truly alone. They don’t have a family and the friends they have might not be the best. I always hated seeing people sitting alone eating in school, and I wish I had chosen to sit beside them more. Because sometimes the most important thing is that they know someone cares.
So we should all be a little bit more understanding, and do our best to show the world that we do care.
tisdag 18 maj 2010
måndag 17 maj 2010
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
I guess I’m just in a bad place right now. And I will get out of it. Like I always do, and do all of those things, because that’s the person I am. I survive, I fight and I’m going to make it all happen. Watch me.
söndag 16 maj 2010
Don't judge those who try and fail. Judge only those who fail to try
It comes a time when it’s not okay to dream big dreams, when it’s not cute anymore, when they start questing your dreams.
So I’m going to dream big now.
Pretend that I can be everything I want to be
And when the time comes to stop pretending
I will.
“Even though I'm just twentyI've still got some time to dream”
fredag 14 maj 2010
Just like a tattoo,just like a tattoo
Love Me, Hate Me, You, Can, Never, Break Me,
torsdag 13 maj 2010
Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss
bad things happens but it's how you deal with them that counts
Meeting her made me realise one thing. She had been living in hell, but she still had more faith then us spoiled Swedish kids. (I’m not saying everyone but you see my point). We complain over school, over parents, over the most stupid things. And here is this girl how has all the right to complain and she don’t. She just smiles and lives.
I wonder where she is today, how she is, if she still smiles that bright smile and if she knows that she changed my life that day. And that I’m grateful that she told me her story, and that I think of her almost everyday.
tisdag 11 maj 2010
Never mind searching for who you are. Search for the person you aspire to be.
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts;
♥ ♥
måndag 10 maj 2010
The greatest pleasure in life is in doing what people say you cannot do

söndag 9 maj 2010
Dance forever, forever on the dance floor
Peace. ALMOST done with my exam. pwee.
lördag 8 maj 2010
Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen
I was a cool kid once. I said whatever was on my mind. If I thought somebody was an idiot I let them know. I never cried. Never. Even when I was that kid I knew what I wanted. I have always known. And that kid would have done the things she wanted without a second reflection.
But I’m not that kid anymore. I don’t tell people they are idiots even if they really are. I cry all the time. And I’m not as brave as that kid was, and that may be a good thing. You see. Life gets harder when you grow up, and I’m pretty sure that kid would scream at me for being a coward. And it might be true.
But still, once I was a cool kid.
torsdag 6 maj 2010
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" Eleanor Roosevel
Tomorrow. Can. Go. To. Hell.
This. Week. No. Comment.
Need. To. Sleep.
tisdag 4 maj 2010
Try to Be like Mr. Spock, but your emotions in a box
Everybody got a place in this world, and I'm blessed to already know where I belong :)
There's nothing you can’t do,
Now you're in New York!!!
These streets will make you feel brand new,
the lights will inspire you,
söndag 2 maj 2010
Please dont stop the rain. Let it fall.
"Follow your heart. Our brain always screws things up."
I miss my tan. It was a really nice tan. A lot of hours by the pool. A lot of hours at the beach. Hard work.
Today was a great day! Went with my sister and my dog to Malmö to meet up with the child I'm mentoring. I cant believe I only have 3 more weeks with her. This 9 months went by fast.
Our dog was tired on the way home.
Have to get back to my exam now. Just readning it over and over again. Want it to be good!
lördag 1 maj 2010
"Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.” – Doug Ivester
Thomas Kempis
make a wish say a pray don't be scared to dream
If you wanna be somebody
If you wanna go somewhere
If we crawl, Till we can walk again, Then we'll run, Until we're strong enough to jump, Then we'll fly, Until there is no end
Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel
I'm truly blessed that I was born in a great country. And I will always treasure Sweden. Sweden is just not my home. It might be where I come from, but its not where I belong. And I might not end up in New York ... and that will be okay. But I have a hard time seeing myself stay in Sweden.