"You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future”
I might just be crazy but sometimes I get this panicking feeling that time is running out. I’m that kind of person that starts crying in the middle of the night because I’m scared of the future and what it might bring. Will I be able live my dreams? Will everything be okay? And it’s so stupid because I know in my heart that all I really have is now. Tomorrow is tomorrow and I should not really worry about tomorrow until tomorrow is today. Went to an amazing psychic in NYC, she knew so much about me with only me telling her my name and birth date. She said that I was going to be married within five years, have at least five kids, travel a lot, own two houses and live in a other country then Sweden. But I’m going to come back on day. And she also told me to stop worrying about my family because they will be alright.
So even if this won’t happen, I will be fine I guess. I might not live all my dreams, I might not do everything I wish to do.
But we shall se what the future holds.
1 kommentar:
Nu har jag bokat in en resa på tisdag till Malmö, så nu är jag jättenöjd med mig själv! Haha. Förövrigt... tror du att man får veta nästa vecka om man kommer in??? :O Gulp... nervous.
Jag håller på att skriva en historia som är inspirerad av mina egna små äventyr, haha. Har hittills inte kommit allt för långt, men det går sakta framåt. Och du... av din blogg att dömma så tycks du ha en stor skrivartalang!!! Om du har historier på lager, skriv ner dem! You can do it. I believe in ya. :)
Hoppas du har det jättehärligt i New York!
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