I been thinking, thinking and thinking. Believe me I have done a lot of thinking the past days… well really the past weeks. I have my future all planed out; I know what roads to take what program and University to go to and what kind of job I want.
But I don’t want it right now, I don’t feel read too start a program. I don’t feel ready to start working in three years. I want to be young, live in an other country for a while, and chase stupid dreams that will never come true. Go out and dance Friday nights, work random jobs, do volunteer work, write a book. Be young. Be 21.
And of course go back to school, when I’m still young. And I will still be done before I’m 27, with one master and two candidate degrees. That okay…I think. I just don’t know what road to take right now. Because how cliché it might sound I want to think back on my life with no regret. I want to think on my death bed; “I really did it all, I really lived my dreams”.
The heart got a mind of its own. It really dose.
And for future notice; listen to country music late at night is never a good idée. It makes you think.
Peace, love and the not knowing.
But I don’t want it right now, I don’t feel read too start a program. I don’t feel ready to start working in three years. I want to be young, live in an other country for a while, and chase stupid dreams that will never come true. Go out and dance Friday nights, work random jobs, do volunteer work, write a book. Be young. Be 21.
And of course go back to school, when I’m still young. And I will still be done before I’m 27, with one master and two candidate degrees. That okay…I think. I just don’t know what road to take right now. Because how cliché it might sound I want to think back on my life with no regret. I want to think on my death bed; “I really did it all, I really lived my dreams”.
The heart got a mind of its own. It really dose.
And for future notice; listen to country music late at night is never a good idée. It makes you think.
Peace, love and the not knowing.
2 kommentarer:
Jag har bara en sak att säga... GO FOR IT.
Hey... de där 10 sidorna du har skrivit är verkligen något att vara stolt över!!! När jag började på det jag skriver nu så var jag sjukt stolt efter bara 3 sidor, för det är en början! Det kanske inte låter mycket för andra, men för en själv så innebär varje mening man lyckas skriva att man kommit ett steg närmare sitt mål, varje ord blir en bedrift. Så du har mycket att vara stolt över!
Förövrigt så är det här ett väldigt fint skrivet inlägg! Jag förstår hur du menar. Det finns så mycket man vill göra i livet... och jag tror att man ska ta chansen att göra saker medan man kan. :) Sedan så tror jag att du även kommer ha massor av tillfällen att göra allt du vill göra efter att du pluggat klart, endast vi själva sätter gränserna!
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