"Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.”
Today I went to my uncles wedding and I loved it. I’m so happy for him and a bit happy for me too because it was my first wedding EVER. My dad just left for Thailand and I have my sister here, we are eating candy and watching a movie. I’m not really watching the movie I’m more focused on the actors, and watching them. The course I’m taking now is making me second guessing myself. Because everybody else is so creative and so good; and I’m just me. Nothing to special I don’t really have any real talent. We did a thing where we had to stand in front of the whole class and pretend we were taking a shower, and then the teacher told us what was happening; like the water was getting hotter and colder, or ice-cream was coming out. And I was really bad at this and I got so mad at myself! So when the class ended I went out and bought myself 2 notebooks so I can start to study people. (And of course I had to by the really nice notebooks that were really expensive, but its just fun to write in nice notebooks)
So now I’m watching people more careful how they are interacting with people, how people that are in love look, how mad peoples face expressions are. And it’s interesting, and I really hope it will improve my acting. Because after that lesson I was ready to give up walk out of that door and tell the teacher that I won’t do it anymore. That means giving up, and I don’t want to do that, I want to improve.
I shall write more later: movie now with my sister.
Peace, love and not giving up
1 kommentar:
Jag har också en sån svart! :D
Och vad intressant din kurs låter! Jag är jätteavundsjuk. HAha. Förövrigt så är det verkligen intressant att studera människor, och det tror jag att du kommer lära dig massor på!! :D
Nu ska jag omgående gå och lägga mig, I've had too much tequila. Haha. Over and out.
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